Chingthur Foundation

Empowering Sustainable Futures for All

Transforming communities through sustainable living and holistic development programs

About Chingthur Foundation

Discover our vision of transforming communities and empowering lives. Learn our outlook on making a difference-one sustainable step at a time


CF Brochure 2024

Donate Us

Donating to Chingthur Foundation means investing in a brighter, more sustainable future for marginalized communities. Your donation is not just a contribution; it’s a commitment to making a lasting impact. Together, we can drive positive change, uplift communities, and promote a sustainable, harmonious world. All the funds we raise will go towards providing essential resources, training, and opportunities to those in need, encouraging a just and viable society


Chingthur Foundation is a non-profit organization established in November 2019 under the Society Act of 1860. We are committed to uplifting communities through sustainable development and empowering marginalized populations.

Our vision is to create a sustainable life rooted in justice, love, peace, and communal harmony. Our mission revolves around empowering human values, engaging in emancipatory processes, and fostering sufficiency and sustainable living.

Our objectives include policy advocacy and capacity building, sustainable livelihood initiatives, and fostering collaboration and networking with various stakeholders to build networks aimed at upbuilding human resources and society for peace, prosperity, and communal harmony.

Our programs include capacity building to village level institutions, health initiatives, working with and empowering target women groups and farmers, livelihood enhancement, pilot village development, market development, and bamboo plantation and training. Revival of Indigenous and traditional crafts and techniques. Natural Resource management for Climate Change

We promote sustainable farming, diversify income sources, and plan for long-term horticulture. We also manage surplus food grain effectively and design innovative products from cane, bamboo, and natural fibre for economic value addition.

Our partners include North Eastern Council (NEC), North Eastern Region Community Resource Management Project (NERCMP), North Eastern Cane and Bamboo Development Council (NECBDC), ActionAid India, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), GIS and Sensor Centre, Government of Nagaland (GoN), and North Eastern Christian University (NECU).

Our future plans include focusing on sustainable agriculture with modern techniques, creating a detailed biodiversity register, supporting off-farm and non-farm engagements, developing agro-ecotourism, and expanding successful community master plans to surrounding villages. Expansion and upscaling of indigenous food grain and seeds. Advocacy on Climate Change and NRM.

You can reach us at: Ph no. 9436010735

